We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.
What a year! The holidays are finally here! And while we’re doing our best to make sure the products we feature will arrive in time, shipping times are especially tricky this year, so we suggest shopping as early as you can.
Stock and shipping times can vary depending on where you live, which product you purchase, and more. So order earlier than you think you need to and be sure to double-check the retailers’ websites for shipping information to ensure that your gift will arrive in time for when you need it.
1. A screaming goat figurine that'll help them release all that stress building up inside. Just press the button on the stump he stands on to hear those bleats that can't be beat.

And it comes with a 32-page, illustrated booklet all about goats, making this product the G.O.A.T. itself.
Promising review: "This little piece of screaming plastic has created an excellent outlet for resolving frustrations in our home. Every time a conflict or struggle arises we push the little goat, get a gratifying screech, chuckle and move on throughout our day. No regrets on purchasing this. When you get one, get four or five because you're going to want to share with family and friends." —Amazon Customer
Get it from Amazon for $8.17.
Shipping info: Available on Amazon Prime with two-day shipping, non-Prime shipping options will still arrive by Christmas (see Amazon's full shipping information here).
2. A set of packing cubes to keep your favorite travel-enthusiast from shelling out cash on checking a bag when they can't quit their over-packing ways. These (and the tons of clothes compressed inside) fit right in a carry-on!
It comes with a laundry bag to separate dirty clothes on your way back, and the cubes have mesh tops so they can see what's inside!
Promising review: "These packing cubes exceeded my expectations!!!! I was able to pack for a seven-day cruise: seven day outfits, seven evening dresses, six swimsuits and six swim cover ups. Along with 10 pairs of undergarments, four PJ sets, and three bras. I highly recommend! I used a Vera Bradly weekend tote to fit my packing cubes and then a separate bag for shoes, toiletries, etc. worked perfectly! Very happy with my purchase." —Elias Zuloaga
Get a set of four from Amazon for $22.99 (available in 20 colors and patterns).
Shipping info: Available on Amazon Prime with two-day shipping, non-Prime shipping options will still arrive by Christmas (see Amazon's full shipping information here).
3. The Big Activity Book for Anxious People, a funny and relatable activity book for anyone who wants to take a quick break from their day and have a little chuckle about their worries — and remember they're not alone!

Including coloring pages, fun facts, word games, and more — all with a tongue-in-cheek spin.
Get it from Amazon for $11.66 or from Bookshop for $14.72 (to support local bookstores).
Shipping info for Amazon: Available on Amazon Prime with two-day shipping, non-Prime shipping options will still arrive by Christmas (see Amazon's full shipping information here).
Shipping info for Bookshop: The last days to place an order to receive it in time for the holidays are: Hanukkah: November 19 (expedited) Christmas and Kwanzaa: December 6 (standard); December 10 (expedited)
4. A handy dandy portable charger for your friend who never answers their texts because their phone keeps dying. All those times they leave the house without checking how much battery power they have. Oh, am I the only one who does that?

This has enough USB ports to charge *three* devices at a time, and it holds enough juice to charge an iPhone 8 *3.6 times* — so it's ok if you forget to charge *this* bb all the time too.
Promising review: "This little gem is amazing! This year we were fortunate enough to do some local traveling and attend quite a few concerts this year. I take a ton of videos and pictures, often draining the battery. This power-packed product charged not only my phone when it was low, but my boyfriend’s AND the girl next to her!! Since you can only take small bags into venues, this slipped right into the pocket behind my phone! We had numerous comments on it because off the little paw charge indicator. The flashing came in handy a few times when were found ourselves in the dark! I will be buying more and giving them as gifts this year!" —Annetastic
Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (also available in blue).
Shipping info: Available on Amazon Prime with two-day shipping, non-Prime shipping options will still arrive by Christmas (see Amazon's full shipping information here).
5. A countertop Aerogarden Harvest hydroponic garden so they can grow all the herbs they want, even after a track record of...many dead plants. No backyard required, and thanks to the LED grow lights, plus a watering-reminding system, no green thumb required either.

The grow lights are energy efficient (aka they turn on and off automatically), and it tells them when to water (and feed with the included Miracle-Gro plant food!) their baby greens, so these herbs'll basically grow themselves. The system comes with seed pods to grow Genovese basil, curly parsley, dill, mint, thyme, and Thai basil. Y U M! It can grow up to six plants at a time.
They can also swap out with other seed pods (hello salad greens and heirloom cherry tomatoes), or even get a grow-anything kit and use what seeds they like!
Promising review: "I am very happy with my Aerogarden. I had purchased a similar one for my mother, and she had a nice time growing veggies and herbs in her kitchen, so I bought one for myself, and I am happy with how fast my seeds sprouted and how fast they grow. It's nice to have a gardening option even when it's cold outside or when you run out of garden space, and you just want to have some nice little herbs for cooking or salad greens. I like the timer, and the set up was simple. This is a particularly good idea for people who live in an apartment or people who have a constant itch to garden even when the weather is not conducive. I was able to save my garden space outside for fruits and veggies and plant my herbs with the Aerogarden. This is a worthy purchase." —Primemama
Get it from Amazon for $99.99 (available in three colors).
Shipping info: Available on Amazon Prime with two-day shipping, non-Prime shipping options will still arrive by Christmas (see Amazon's full shipping information here).
6. Or a planter to remind them to water the plants they *already* have, but in a cute way.

It has a drainage hole and saucer tray too!
Get it from My Urban Crafts on Etsy for $19.55+ (available in two sizes and in black, gold, and rose gold text).
My Urban Crafts is a California-based shop making tons of planters. If you don't like this one, be sure to check out their full selection!
Shipping info: Orders process in 1-3 business days. Check the listing for shipping estimates.
See more: https://www.buzzfeed.com/maitlandquitmeyer/gifts-to-save-people-from-themselves?origin=hpp